Department of English

Guest Lectures Autumn 2019
Guest Lecture

Queer at the Limits: Sex, Disability and the Ethics of Engagement

Tuesday, 2018/09/25, 16:30

Queer theory is fundamentally about epistemology and representation, and how individual subjects become subjectified through language and culture. The social context in which that subjectification occurs, while it is always acknowledged as a kind of general backdrop, is not, in itself, a matter of great concern to most theorists. Furthermore, queer theory's focus on language – and on agency and resistance to language and through language – means that subjects who have no language (for example, because they are physically and/or intellectually impaired) fit awkwardly with queer theory, and are only partially and unsatisfactorily dealt with in offshoots like "crip theory". How can we respectfully engage with people who will never be agents in the queer sense of being able to mount a “reverse discourse” or a “performative re-iteration”?

Event organizer: Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow
Speaker: Don Kulick (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Date: 2018/09/25
Time: 16:30 - 18:00
Locality: F023
Lerchenweg 36
3012 Bern
Characteristics: open to the public
free of charge