KSL Registration


Course registration / deregistration

The periods for registration (or deregistration) for courses are:

Autumn semester   2 August - 15 October
Spring semester   15 January - 15 March

After the deadline your course registration is binding and cannot be changed.

Once you are registered for a course, you will automatically have access to that course on ILIAS and you will be automatically also signed up for the exam. There are no assessment registrations, apart from seminar papers (see separate deadlines below).

For general advice on how the registration process works on KSL, please watch the video tutorials KSL provides on their website.

Assessment registration / deregistration

Registration deadlines for assessments are later in the semester. This gives you some time to decide whether you want to take a seminar graded (7 ECTS) or ungraded (3 ECTS).

The deadlines for registration (and deregistration) for graded assessments are:

Autumn semester   15 November
Spring semester   15 April

After these deadlines your registration is binding and cannot be changed.

If you are unsure whether you have signed up correctly and have consulted the study plan, its appendices, the HELP Booklet, the course booklet and the ENS-website thoroughly, please contact your study counsellor or the main office (KSL enquiries) before the registration deadline!

Graded or ungraded?
Please consult the study plan and its appendices to find out more. You can also find helpful information on the last pages of the HELP booklet. Further, read this explanation. If in doubt, please ask before the registration deadline.

Important information for BA and MA Foundation courses KSL deregistration:

In the BA and MA Foundation courses, you are automatically registered for the assessment / exam. It is important that you deregister from the course before the deadline. By deregistering from the course, you are automatically also deregistered from the assessment / exam.

Failing to attend an exam will result in a failing grade and consequently in a dismissal from English studies.

If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact your study counsellor.